Name : Mr. Uton Charoendat
Position : Lecturer
Position : Lecturer
TEL : -
EMAIL : uton.c@rmutsv.ac.th , aonuton@hotmail.com
- Master Degrees: Aquaculture (Aquatic animal health management) , Kasetsart University
- Bachelor Degrees: Fishery Technology, Prince of Songkhla University
Major Field
- Aquatic animal health management
- Diagnosis and prevention of fish and shrimp diseases
- Estimating aquatic animal health using immune parameters
- Toxicity test in aquatic animals
- Testing efficacy of chemicals and drugs used in aquaculture
- Study of aquatic invertebrates
- Plankton and live feed culture
- Ornamental fish culture
- Shrimp culture
- Fish and shrimp diseases diagnosis and prevention
- Charoendat, U., Areechon, N., Srisapoome, P. and Chantasart, D. 2010. Efficacy of eugenol as anesthetic for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linn.) fry. Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science) 43: 132-140.
- Areechon, N., Charoendat, U., Srisapoome P. and Chantasart, D. 2011. Application of anesthetic for stress control in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linn. 9"'Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. April 21-25, 2011, Shanghai Ocean University, China.
- Charoendat, U., Chumchareon, M. and Phumee, P. 2015. Effect of Creat (Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex Nees) extract on phagocytic activity and antibacterial activity of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). 5th International Fisheries Symposium, the Gurney Hotel, Malaysia, 1 - 4 December 2015. p. 297.
- Tohte, R. and Charoendat, U. 2015. Effect of Creat (Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex Nees) extract on alterations of total hemocyte and granulocyte numbers of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). 5th International Fisheries Symposium, the Gurney Hotel, Malaysia, 1 - 4 December 2015. p. 296.
- Charoendat U., Chumchareon, M and Phumee, P. 2016. Effects of Creat (Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex Nees) Extract on Growth Performance and Bacterial Disease Resistance in Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). RMUTSV research journal 8(2): 190-202.
- Khongsai, S., Chareondat, U. and Chalad, C. 2017. The Performance of Caulerpa racemosa Extracts on Inhibition of Some Pathogenic Skin Bacteria. RMUTSV reaserch journal 9(1): 68-75.
- Charoendat, U., Khongsai, S., Vittaya, L. and Tep-Ubon, C. 2018. Antibacterial Activity of Caulerpa racemosa var. corynephora Crude Extracts against Pathogenic Bacteria of Aquatic Animals. RMUTSV research journal 11(1): 30-40.
Research Interest
- Aquatic animals health management
- Immunology of aquatic animals
- Chemicals and drug application in aquaculture
- Ornamental fish culture
- Shrimp culture
- Biotechnology in aquaculture
Research Networking
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