Name : Asst. Prof. Manoch Khumjaruan
Position : Lecturer
TEL : 080-648-205
EMAIL : manoch.k@rmutsv.ac.th , Auskom@hotmail.co.th
Doctor Degrees: PhD. Candidate Agriculture.at Ubon Ratchathani university, Thailand
Master Degrees: Master of Science Aquaculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Bachelor Degrees: Bachelor of Science Fisheries, Rajamangala University of Technology Chonburi, Thailand.
Major Field
- Aquaculture
- Organic sea grapes culture and marine fish breeding.
- Macro algal culture and Marine fish culture.
- Khamchareon M. and P. Phumee 2000.Effect of different density on growth and survival rate of streaked spinefoot ( Siganus javus) in cages culture. The 18thRajamangala institute of Technology national conference. Chiang Mai Grand view hotel, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
- Khamchareon M. and P. Phumee 2000.Effect of different frequency of feeding and hide material on grouper ( Epinephelus tauvina ) nursing. The 18thRajamangala institute of Technology national conference. Chiang Mai Grand view hotel, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
- Sujarit CH. and M. Khamchareon 2002. Protein substitution by using Wolffia globosa in Shrimp rice cracker. The 19thRajamangala institute of Technology national Conference. Rajamangala institute of Technology center, Patumtanee.province. Thailand.
- Penprapai N and M. khamchroen 2014 Biodiversity of parasites in red tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linn) cultured cage in trang river at trang province. Journal of applied sciences research. 9(12) 6059-6062
- Charoendat, U., M. Chumchareon and P. Phumee. 2015. Effect of Creat (Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex Nees) extract on phagocytic activity and antibacterial activity of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). 5th Internation Fisheries Symposium, 1st-4th December, the Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia. '
- Chumchareon M. and P. Phumee. 2015. Effect of different commercial feeds on growth and survival rate of spotted Babylon (Babylonia areolata). 5th Internation Fisheries Symposium, 1st-4th December, the Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.
- Charoendat, U., M. Chumchareon and P. Phumee. 2016. Effect of Creat (Andrographis paniculata Wall. Ex Nees) extract on growth survival rate and Antibacterial activity of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone). Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Journal 8 (2) July-December
- Khamcharoen M and P. Pumee 2017. Effect of different commercial feed on growth and survival rate of Spotted Babylon (Babylonia areolata) culture. Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Journal 9 (1) January-June.
- khamchareon M., R. Pokji and A. Waekajik. 2017 Effect of different fertilizer kinds on growth of sea grapes Internation Fisheries Symposium, 7st-9th November, The Agro-Kusuma Hotel, Batu, Malang, East java Indonesia.
- Witsanu M., S. IB-Roheng, S. Nguang Chon and M. khamcharoen 2017. Effect of substrate placing on growth performance of sea grapes (Caulerpa lentilifera J.Agardh) Internation Fisheries Symposium, 7st-9th November, The Agro-Kusuma Hotel, Batu, Malang, East java Indonesia.
- Penprapai N, A. Ratanamusik, P. Penprapai and M. khamchroen 2018. Comparative study of total phenolic continent and antioxidant activity of coconut oil with Curcuma zedoarla Roscoe and Curcuma longa L. extracts. Pure and Applied Chemmistry International Conference Paccon 2018.
- Khamcharoen M. and P. kerdsuk 2018. Effect of saline solution kind on growth of sea grapes (Caulerpa lentilifera J.Agardh). The 8th International Fisheries Symposium, 18th 21st November 2518, Hansa JB hotel, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand.
- Khamcharoen M., and P. kerdsuk, T.Nampak and T. Phramsaart 2018. Effect of sea water changing on growth of sea grapes(Caulerpa lentilifera J.Agardh). The 12th International Conference on the environmental Management of the Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS 12) 4-8 November 2518, Jomtien Palm Beach Hotel, Pattaya, Thailand.
- khamcharoen M, P. kerdsuk, T. Moungmontree and S. Chobngam. 2018 Effect of photoperiod by light emitting diode on growth of sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera J.Agardh ).The 10thRajamangala University of Technology National Conference 1st-3th August 2018 Trang Thailand.
- Khamcharoen M, P kerdsuk, and J. Boonrong. 2018 Effect of different depth on growth and survival rate of green muscle ( Perna viridis) culture in sea bass rearing pond.The 11st Phuket Rajabhat University National Conference. “ Integrating wisdom into innovation and sustainable local development” 20th December 2018 Phuket, Thailand.
- 2015 Best Poster, 5th International Fisheries Symposium, 1st-4th December, the Gurney Hotel, Penang, Malaysia.
- 2016 Outstanding article award. Academic service for strengthen and sustainable for the Bo Hin community. In the 9th seminar on Knowledge Management Network of Rajamangala University of Technology Physical Education Institute and Bunthipattanasilp Institute. At Chiang Mai Grand view Hotel, Chiang Mai Province 2-5 February 2016.
- 2017 Outstanding teacher award in Teaching. Academic year 2017 Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya.
- 2019 Outstanding Researcher award. Academic year 2018 Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
- Research for Community : Promotion of green caviar (Caulerpa lentillifera) culture using organic system to create alternative careers for coastal communities.
- Enhancement of Potential sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera) production in commercial.
- Effect of different bio-fermentation water fertilizers on growth, chemical composition and nutritional value of organic sea grapes ( Caulerpa lentillifera).
Research Interest
- Breeding and marine fish lava rearing, Macro algal culture
Research Networking
- Asean Fisheries Education Network ( ASEAN-FEN )