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Publications Innovations Award



Sustainability and Stewardship​


RUTS green campus action plan and operation to reducing plastic waste in Coastal Area


                  Reporters:    Dr.Khwanta Tantikamton
Dr.Chanyut Sudtongkong

October 9, 2022




Indicator 14.4.2


People's activities can contribute to an increase in plastic waste in coastal areas. Therefore, the Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS) has launched a green campus action plan and operation to reduce plastic waste in the university campus area. For example, the RUTS has supported funding for the Environmental Lover Club (ELC) for waste reduction campaigns since 2018.




The major objective of the campaign is to manage plastic waste by using strategies of reuse, recycling, and reduction. The campaign has been divided into subprojects called "Happy Family Save the Zero Waste Project" and "Garbage Bank Project". Those projects were operated at RUTS, Trang Campus. The activities of the Zero Waste project by supplying the big screening basket for recycling plastic are available for the students and university staff. Each basket is divided into two types of recycled plastic waste.



For the garbage bank project, the participants joined the campaign by donating plastic waste to the garbage bank, and the bank returned the benefit to the donor by giving the gift back. The campaign not only donated plastic waste activities but also served as knowledge about how to screen and dispose of plastic waste for the students and other people in the community. This campaign can cultivate the environmental concerns of the participants and also make plastic waste management more effective.



In addition, the campaign has conducted activities to reduce the plastic waste in the coastal areas in Trang province by joining with third parties, e.g., Chaomai National Marine Park, Trash Hero Club, to clean the beach during the monsoon season every year.



The effectiveness of RUTS green campus has been proven when the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP), Ministry of National Resources and Environment, awarded the Golden Prize for best practice.




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